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happy freedom to read week!


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No Salman Rushdie? No HST? No Irvine Welsh? WTF? Yet Mark Twain is a danger to society? LOL

I did a study on censorship years ago and was shocked that Blubber by Judy Blume was one of the most commonly banned books in elementary schools. I still don't get it.

Censorship is one of the most ignorant notions out there. I highly recommend Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 to anyone who hasn't read it.

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Fahrenheit 451 is a great book. I chose it as my novel study in grade 12 english. It was supposed to be on a "classic" novel, and I argued that this WOULD be a classic novel and deserved study in it's pre-classic time. hahaha they bought it.

Right now I'm reading Mr. Nice by Howard Marks. I'm surprised books like this get published, I mean it's a tell-all confessional of his drug smuggling days. He speaks of the 5, 10 and 20 ton scams he pulled, how he pulled them off, the crazy characters he dealt with and how he avoided a globally co-ordinated effort to bring him down. f the DEA. It's his autobiography. The pacing and style is amazing. I also can't believe that it's so detailed. It's kinda hard not to have it fast paced as they guy was all over the world twice a week. He's telling so much of what happened it's hard to imagine he's holding anything back to avoid prosecution, but well, I'm sure he is. Anyways, thanks Cully and Shelby for lending it to me.

I looked at that list, and was surprised with the reasoning for complaints. They seem totally ridiculous, I can't believe some of these reasons, do people seriously have nothing better to do?

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Right now I'm reading Mr. Nice by Howard Marks.

Hmmm, you are the second person to recommend this book to me today. Interesting. A friend let me borrow Rule of the Bone by Russell Banks. I guess they kind of have a similar story line. Anyone read it?

Okay, that's it Alexis, I'm going to go pick up Mr. Nice when I'm done this read. Thanks sister! :D

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i got the freedom to read package mailed to my home as my wife, niffermouse, had an illustration in the print package for "freedom to read week" this year (i looked for it on line but couldn't find it). I glossed through it in print, but just now had a full look at the list of "challenged" books.

jesus. harry potter? and not to slam the fine folks in rural canada, but it appears that an inordinate number of complaints were generated by Conservative MLA's from tiny towns. Hmmm... 3 cheers for the freedom to read people, enjoy a chalenged book today!


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Re. Harry Potter - I keep thinking that it must have to do with some cognitive impairment that prevents people from recognising fiction as fiction (which suggests something of where their own beliefs are grounded). As for the rural factor, I'm hoping it has nothing to do with the smell of cowshit (or, in the case of Acton, leather), 'cause that's kind of refreshing, compared with the smell of religious paranoia; it seems, though, also especially concentrated in suburbs like Newmarket. My new theory is that it has something to do with a lethal combination of TV, relative affluence, and boredom.

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