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this saturday in Ottawa


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for me it's either going to be a solid stay at home, or one of these 2 shows...

As the Poets Affirm at barrymore's


the Sadies at Babylon

i've seen the sadies and would love to get shook again...but i hear that the poets are awesome and what I heard I liked very much...

any thoughts?

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Sadies everytime...

Poets are local anyways, they'll be back sooner than the Sadies. And plus the Sadies are actually a good band. I'm not a fan of the Poets.

The Sadies are the best, I'll say it again.


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Tickets for the Sadies are pretty pricey... $15 advance, $20 at the door... That was the main reason I never really considered going to it... I would like to hear The Sadies, but that's a little over my price range...

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well I guess Del isn't the only one...doesn't look like Hamilton is in the cards (no Spades hehe) for me this weekend either :( but closer to home this has become my destination of choice. Always up for a good time with The Sadies and looking forward to hearing The John Henry's and picking up a copy of their Cd. anyone know what time this gets underway?

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grrrrrr :: guess i wasn't meant to go anywhere tonite. Started out from Perth to Ottawa, but when I got to the stop light in Carleton Place, the oil light came on in the car. So I pulled into the Esso station and put in some oil thinking that would solve the problem, but at the next light, the same thing....not being mechanically inclined, but knowing that's not good and not wanting to be stranded on the side of the road, alone, between Ottawa and Perth at 2 o'clock in the morning, I turned around and came home :( now I'm listening to Favourite Colours by The Sadies. Great CD, but not the same. Hope everyone had a good time.

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