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The Attic tomorrow 6-9am, 93.3FM and online


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Tune into 93.3FM in Hamilton [http://cfmu.mcmaster.ca on the web] tomorrow morning from 6-9am, where you'll hear me and Captain Isaac spinning quality rock and roll tuneage for your ready ears. CFMU is in the midst of a massive fundraising drive, and for a measely pledge we will be offering fantastic incentives. Really, though, they're offering some awesome stuff. This is also the first Thursday night in recent memory that we've been in bed before 1am so we're bound to be extra energetic, with plenty of rock and roll dialogue and a whack of killer tunes. Tune in y'all.


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hey Aaron,

How goes it? I hear you and the Kak are really starting to hit a groove together. Keep it up. I gotta say, my favourite moment so far was when you flipped b/c of the song with swear words. Or was he talking about raping little girls... I dn't remember.

Yes, work is boring.

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Hey man, I didn't even see this until now. Nice to see you found your way to the message board. Yeah the show has been going really well, tons of positive feedback in the way of e-mails and phonecalls. Thanks for tuning in.

Wanted to bump up this thread to say:

- Tune in tomorrow for another wacky three hours with me and the Captain, we've got a ton of new music to spin including two smoking power trios: a genuine jam outfit called Rose Hill Drive out of Boulder, CO and a heavy-riffing Sabbath/Zeppelin/Cream machine called Kamchatka, they're from Sweden

- We just added a whoooooole bunch of good stuff to our website, including bios and photos, and as always you can get the CFMU webcast from there as well. http://theattic.spin45.net

Tune in tomorrow (Friday) morning 6-9am eh!

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so I came up with a plan to allow you guys to party for St. Pat's/Fat Cats AND do your radio show tomorrow morning... pretty simple actually

come out tonight... party

party all night

bring drinks in to the station... party

mid-morning... nap time

no charge for services rendered (just because you guys are swell)

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