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Daughter appreciation, cont.


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Cassia and I groove to alot of DieselDog while hanging out in the kitchen....she knows more than that tune, hon!

I still hope and pray that in her teen years she doesn't become a metal head (or worse, embraces brittney spears) just to spite us. Tim and Jen -- you guys listening? When she gets unbearable, you guys will be expected to step in and straighten her out ;)

"it takes a village...."

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It's a bit like the awe of hearing them when they first learned to communicate in words. I love how organically music has become part of them. I know people whose parents repressed all bodily responses to music in their kids from the youngest age (thankfully, they've overcome it), which is kind of like trying to stop grass from growing. Mind you, people do that, too. I pray I never get on the grass' case.

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It is definitely an experience... seeing these young creative and open minds of ours bloom.

I know people whose parents repressed all bodily responses to music in their kids from the youngest age

Wow, that is just not right.

I already have mine playing around with the piano, congas and dancing and she's only two and a half...

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