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Doug Feaver Live Shows


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My roomate who used to go see Doug Feaver all the time when he lived in Grimsby, was wondering if any of his live shows are available to download. I checked out archive but there are not any of his shows available.

Thanks for the help,


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Doug doesn't want digital trading of his live shows.I had a talk with him awhile back about this,so you won't see any recordings online.As far as I know its alright to share his live material as long as it doesn't make it to the internet.Unless his policy has changed since the winter of 2004 thats where it stands I guess.

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There is a awesome collection (3 discs) of Live Doug that Secondtube made.If your in Ottawa perhaps Del could help you out ;)

There are a few shows floating around,sadly all the ones i had are long gone,I do have a great disc I bought off Doug around christmas,its him playing every instrument (guitar,bass,drums,sitar) on a small collection of christmas songs.

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apparently, that is to no longer exist.

as it 'trading' of doug shows...

i've been told not to even trade my shows unless is someone doug 'oks'

its too bad, some of his shows are fantastic.

i put SO MUCH TIME AND EFFORT into that mix, only to find out it was a waste of time (cept for those copies floating around)...

i thought i was doing some good, and instead basically made to feel bad about it...

he even commented about it a few weeks ago...

some drunken fools asked about any doug recordings, and he put its like this...

"i haven't released any material, but if you look hard, some shows are floating around....in BOOTLEG format!!!!"



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Hmmm... I thought I passed along that to you.Someone else I guess.I have it & I just remembered I have the other two discs of the Fat Cats 1993-08-01 Ellicottville NY show which was the Doug Feaver set with members of Fat Cats(original lineup)sitting in & playing with him,as well I believe Les Cooper also sits in.

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No shit eh Steve...wow,I thought he had gotten past that by now.Too bad to hear.

[edit to add]

Yeah man,I love that xmas disc,had it playing off & on over the holidaze,got alot of questions about it from my family.

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Yeah Esau, I think we had discussed me getting the Feaver discs, but it never happened. That does really suck, it would be a great way for Doug's music to be heard by people that would never have any other chance of hearing it. Plus, I heard he's not playing any more? Which is also a shame...

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not playing.

which sucks.

a lot.

but most of the jamcrown in Hammertown has been filtered so much in the last decade, that most of the scene needs to be re-introduced to Mr Feaver.

I thought the three disc set would do it...(i honstely believe he feels that my set contributed to his smaller crowds) ....

i feel crappy about the whole deal. i just wanted to get his music out for people to hear. i didn't even ask for a penny, and i burnt 15 copies at 3 discs a copy...i spindle of 50 isn't tons, but man...

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Yeah,thats too bad him not playing any shows right now.I've always thought (and still do) that he has to/needs to release a disc or two of his music.I feel that would greatly increase the attendence at his shows.

I was surprised at his reaction to that collection.I seriously don't think Doug completley understands how the trading community works,I think if he did we'd probally be able to share some of his music without issue.But hey,its his music.

No offence towards Doug,just make take on his thoughts regarding recording & sharing his shows.

Still one of my favourite Canadian singer-songwriters to date.

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Thats sort of odd. Doug used to record his shows in Port Dover through the board for me all the time.

I wouldn't have guessed he was anti-trading. And Tube - his "bootleg" comment could have just been out of context and/or a joke not I mean, doug can be pretty "insert adjective I cannot think of here" no?

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I seem to recall talking to Doug after a show at the Casbah, and mentioned something about someone getting me some Doug shows... If I remember it correctly, he seemed somewhat offended that his music was available without his consent... (This might have been around the time Esau was going to get me those Feaver discs).

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Yeah that was that night Del.He wasn't happy at all,he asked me later just how many copies I had made,although I hadn't made one yet he wasn't impressed and inquired where I got it.

Doug used to let anyone patch in to record.I had done a few back in 92.I would just hand him a cassette and as long as no one else had beat me to it he would plug the cassette into a tape deck he had hooked up to his mini board and even press record/pause when needed.

I know one of his concerns is that he covers other peoples music at his shows and doesn't want to have a recording turn up where he could be charged with copywrite infringment or somthing.

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He's still playing. He might be playing late afternoon at CTMF on the Sunday. He's playing Windsor the night before. I still have to firm things up but I'm pretty sure we'll see him there.

Nice!!!That's what i like to hear :)

It's been a while.

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