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come together fest thoughts from the past ...

mark tonin

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i remember a guy climbing a pole...and I was disappointed that I missed taking a picture of it.

do they build an insane campfire at this thing too?

Yep, that was the one...I think that was also the one when Caution Jam played late night in the saloon and it was so friggin' cold (INSIDE!) that we were wearing mitts & 87 layers each...

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I have some really good memories of CTMF too...

I can't believe that over 300,000 people showed... all those hippies dancing in the mud... and then there was that bad batch of brown acid... nasty stuff..

My highlight was when Jimi Hendrix played... boy that cat can whale.

Good times I tell ya.

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I have some really good memories of CTMF too...

I can't believe that over 300,000 people showed... all those hippies dancing in the mud... and then there was that bad batch of brown acid... nasty stuff..

My highlight was when Jimi Hendrix played... boy that cat can whale.

Good times I tell ya.

Kev, that was your family reunion.

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Does anyone here remember the CTMF when that dude climbed the flag pole during BNB's set? This would have been 2001..?

Actually, better question: Was anyone here the dude that climbed the flag pole during BNB's set?

Yes, I absolutely remember that. It was F*&KING terrible. What a stupid thing to do. I was so worried that he would fall and then whole thing would come apart at the seams.

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