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Born Into Brothels


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I saw the greatest documentary this week. I don't know how easy it is to see in a theatre, and it might even already be out on DVD, but you have to see this movie.


Here's the plot...

Admist the apparent growing prosperity of India, there is a dark underbelly of poverty of another side of the nation that is little known. This film is a chronicle of filmmakers Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman's efforts to show that world of Calcutta's red light district. To do that, they inspired a special group of children of the prostitutes of the area to photograph the most reluctant subjects of it. As the kids excel in their new found art, the filmmakers struggle to help them have a chance for a better life away from the miserable poverty that threatens to crush their dreams.

Summary written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)

Click here to see a trailer for the film.

This was the most moving documentary I have ever seen. If you get a chance, see it; or even contact your local independent theatre and ask them to run it. Seriously.

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