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Want Proof That The New Ryan Adams CD Is Great?


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I cant seem to grasp this guy,I dig the music moreless,alot of it has that "twang" I really dig(alt.country-ish...which is good to me).But,I hear more of a Blue Rodeo/Arlo Guthrie sound then Parsons.(at least the song that plays when you open the site)

I'll give this a full listen though,I haven't cared for his live performaces but I'll give the studio a try.

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i see a number of his shows on archive.org - anyone have suggestions as to a good one to start with?

esau, after reading your last post i went back & with a picture of arlo in my head listened again, whether it's power of suggestion or not i see where you're coming from :)

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But,I hear more of a Blue Rodeo/Arlo Guthrie sound then Parsons.(at least the song that plays when you open the site)

That's strange to hear, because if he sounded like Blue Rodeo and Arlo Guthrie to my ears, I'd never listen to or recommend him.

I listened to his first two solo albums this morning and they are really country sounding, with a good Stones/Neil Young thing going on too.

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I think the new album is great - I listened to it three times in a row the first day I got it. Probably the closest stuff musically to his Whiskeytown days.

Nice aesthetics on the album design, too - just like a nice '70s gatefold, and the discs are designed to look like vinyl, too.

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That's strange to hear, because if he sounded like Blue Rodeo and Arlo Guthrie to my ears, I'd never listen to or recommend him.

Musically..not vocally & I was refering to the song that was playing while I opened the site via the link you provided (as mentioned).As a FBB/Parsons fan,I havent yet to hear anything that sounds like that,maybe the lapsteel or slide,but thats it.

So far this album has impressed me less then the live stuff I downloaded.

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As a FBB/Parsons fan,I havent yet to hear anything that sounds like that,maybe the lapsteel or slide,but thats it.

So far this album has impressed me less then the live stuff I downloaded.

It's more in the feeling and vibe I get from the album with reference to Gram Parsons. I think Ryan's voice reminds me a Byrds-era Parsons - not the same, but in a similar range and style.

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