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Saturday night video - Star Wars kid


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Did we talk about this? There was a piece in the Post around the time of Come Together about that kid his name is like Gislaine and he's a french Canadian kid. They asked him how this got on the net and he said some 'friends' from school found the tape in the school's editing suite and thought it's be 'funny' to put it on the net. Some people started trying to raise money to buy him an ipod or laptop to compensate him for his loss of privacy- hilarious.

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Guest Low Roller

Beautiful. I saw this before, and I had tears streaming down my face in sheer disbelief. Imagine the collective "WTF?!?!" from the group that uncovered the tape.

Ah, where would this world be without fanatic Star Wars geeks?

Episode 1 was the worst movie since Street Fighter: The Movie yet this brave young "man" did not let this fact quash his undying desire to become the first uncordinated spastic jedi. I bet even Jar Jar Binks would make fun of him.

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Originally posted by Low Roller:

Ah, where would this world be without fanatic Star Wars geeks?

We'd be at the mercy of the fanatic Star Trek geeks*. Rock, meet hard place; hard place, meet rock...



* Harlan Ellison, who wrote the original screenplay for "The City On The Edge Of Forever" (you know, the one where Kirk goes back in time and falls in love with Joan Collins), tells about a lecture he gave, in which he made an offhand comment about writing Spock's dialog. An attendee stood up, in tears, proclaiming at the top of his lungs that that was impossible, Spock had come up with the words himself, and that Ellison was lying. Every time I think I need a life, I think of that guy, and am able to sleep in a satisfied, fulfilled, way.

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Guest Low Roller

There also exists the much more dreaded Babylon 5 fanatic, who always seems to be on the defensive because Babylon 5 SUCKS.

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