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CAUTION JAM & BULLMOOSE :: Pepper Jack Cafe :: Sat June 11


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Come one, come all, rock out to the thick bluesy grooves of Montreal's Bullmoose, then dig some jams provided by none other than the formidable Caution Jam. A mere 7 bones at the door, and I hear CJ might be featuring the odd guest in the lineup...



If you need any encouragement to come out a wee bit early to check out Bullmoose, let me say that these guys are a pure, unadulterated blues/rock trio. I hear plenty of Sabbath sensibilites in their writing, and plenty of Page in their riffs. Dig these two live cuts "Pray" and "Poor Man's Hash". The latter has such a great riff, one of the first tunes that grabbed me about the band.


Poor Man's Hash

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Don't miss the Bullmoose. They are powerful. Also note that the rhythm section are twins, so if you believe in twin magic you'll know that this is the tightest shite available.

Perhaps they can get some collaboration with Caution Jam and some killer Minglewood!

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Summer is rough in the Hammer. I find it insulting how many 'music scenesters' find Hess Village appealing. Perhaps I'm just jealous of their summer business.

Pocket Dwellers/Sweatshop Union had 78 people in attendance. That should'a been 150.

And Enon should've been 100, and it was 58. Tough night for all methinks.

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