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Blue Grassy High- The Whole fu©king Show!

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

I've been asked by the guys from Bluegrassy High to make one of my funny, article-style, posts to pimp the BGH gig at the Canada Day bash. I've also been caught between a rock and a hard place. I'm friends with Mike (Bouche), Geoff (Hux), Andre (Booche), and Dave(-O), yet there is some friction between them stemming from Mike and Geoff getting together and revamping the BGH line-up, sans Andre and Dave-O. I really don't want to take sides here boys, so let's keep this in the spirit of fun...

Blue Grassy High To Unveil Plans For World Domination at Canada Day Gig

First they get the sugah, then they get the muhney, then they get the power, and then they get the weemen

Blue Grassy High, Ottawa's favorite (estranged) sons, have emerged from their lengthy hiatus to play at the Canada Day gig at 'That Place We Cannot Mention By Name Lest We Be Cursed Out By The Damned' in Ottawa.

Regenerated, energized, and permanently changed by plastic surgery, Blue Grassy High are ready and willing to once again be accepted as your masters and overlords of all things rock. According to Bouche and Hux, the plastic surgery was necessary in order to give BGH "more of a well-rounded appearance". Apparently a physical change will also help improve the musical output, but how that works eludes me at the moment.

Some may notice that Booche and Dave-O will look slightly different at the show. Dave-O, the famed banjoist of the band, has altered his appearance by losing the beard, gaining a gut, growing about an extra foot, and changing his name to Nick. Booche, mandolin player and smelliest of the group, has realized a life-long goal by becoming a chick.

According to Bouche and Hux, this may not just be a one-time gig for nostalgia's sake. If the gig with the new line-up goes well, then Ottawa may be seeing future gigs from the band. "We see a vacancy that needs to be filled in Ottawa right now", said Bouche, "there is no regular bar band for people to see anymore after Nero called it quits. This is our chance to take over!". Hux then hollered "Vote Liberal!" but added nothing of value.

For a full listing of bands playing the Canada Day Party in Ottawa go here.

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Guest Low Roller
Three cheers for Low_Roller, perhaps the funniest person on the board!

Given the tensions I was under writing this article, it was a miracle I was able to tap my humour vein. But thanks.

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