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Hide yer pin number!

Im going home Donny

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I just got lucky....by beating the thieves to the bank!

I know allready I should hide my number when I punch it but allways feel like such a judgy-cagey sh!t hiding it from the human in front of me.

Well lesson learned got my number ripped somehow, someway, someday...luckily TD was on it and I beat the MOFos to the bank on payday...new number, new card, lectures about the real world later...its all good as long as identity theft isn't under swing.

Guess this is going on like wild fire...soo from mes to yous hide that number 'cause narcissism reighns large in our wonderfull world. :crazy:

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there was a gas station just outside of acton that set up their security camera in such a way to capture PIN numbers from the debit machine...they double swiped every single customer for a month and then fucked off just before the bills hit. story goes that they got away with over $100 000.

hide your number indeed. i always look for security cameras when i do the debit thing.

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I got taken for $10,000 on my credit card last month. Crazy thing is my bank didn't say a peep. They just kept ringing up charges for online gaming and shit like that (nothing suspicous about 10k of online charges in one month?) and then informed me that my card was over its limit and offered to raise it by $500!!!

Anyhow, it's being cleared up right now and I'm pretty sure I won't have to pay a penny of it.

Be careful out there!

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yeah Ollie...TD called...but all they could legally do was show me a list of places I'd used my card over the past tenish days. Guess once a place has been earmarked for investigation they call everyone whos been there, tell them to get there buts to the bank asap and change sh!t around...can't say I'm not tempted to go to the places listed but what ev...mo fos is all...hope they get caught but doubt it...

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