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other sources of SCI Toronto


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just wonderin if anyone else on here has SCI' set...i grabbed the one thats up but the lows are real low and mids are kinda lost...I dont have the programs to edit it so thats why I ask...thnx for the show all the same! ;)

I'm surprised Jason Ho's source doesn't sound that good to your ears...

What I've listened to of mine (Sound Pros CMC-4s > batt box > jb3) sounds ok but has a couple of glitches at the beginning of the first song.

Mike Train's must sound good, but he'll be missing the first song because he had to come over from the Keller McGee set on the other stage.

What I'm saying is my rig had to be the lowest-end one there, and I can't imagine my recording sounds any better than Jason's or Mike's.

In the case of the Keller set, I figured mostly acoustic guitar = acceptable sound even though my rig isn't that hot, so that's why I put it up...

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I'm surprised Jason Ho's source doesn't sound that good to your ears...

its not so much that it doesnt sound good...I just want to know how or if I can clean it up a bit...my stereo has a real heavy low end which I love but when its all bass it makes it hard to hear the rest...I know the drums didnt sound all that great in the mix(out of our hands since that is the soundmans job)...

I dont know why people have to hate on the Cheese either, I dont hate on bands i dont like...I simply keep my mouth shut...you are entitled to your opinion so I'm ok with that but a simple I dont like the cheese would do...thank you Jason for posting the show as fast as you did and I am very grateful to have it since I dont have the time, money or know how to tape(for a lack of finding out) It does sound good but I simply asked how to make it sound better...peas Steve

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Personally, I don't mind the cheese hate. Being a cheese lover myself, I think it keeps the scene more pure and prevents it from growing into a schwilly, sketchy mess that is inevitable when 'jambands' grow to amphitheatre-sized crowds. Sort of like the moe. scene... I hope both these bands stay in theatres where the sound and view is usually great and the energy is tremendous. I would rather be with a bunch of fans that are truely there for the music, than just there to be seen or to get messed up.

On another note, I think the room at the docks sounded better for SCI than it did for any of the other bands throughout the day. That was certainly a boomy room. Very muddy... JonO did the best he could I think. I think xavier was even complaining about the bassyness while he was on stage performing!?

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no steve i realllly dont like the cheese, saw em once, never again, shwilly mess at the show, the girl i went with brought her kid, we were hanging out on the lawn, and some shwillyass sci kid took the kid by the hand and started walking away with him. like wtf is that?!?! not to mention the backpack nitrous dealer who decided to set up shop beside our car, bringing traffic to a standstill when all we wanted to do was leave the lot, sketchy fucking mess. i dont like cheese or sketchy cheesekids, fucking losers

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Ive never had a bad time at a cheese show, infact just the opposite. Some of the Phish shows i saw were a lot worse than anything bad ive heard about cheesekids...and may I remind you what Dead tour was like at the end...and anyways why arnt these shows 19+or 21+ in the states...it would cut down on alot of the stupid crap that goes on, not all of it but alot I'm sure,

Jason we took your copy to my friends record studio and played it through a CDturntable into his mixer and then out to a board and finally into wavelab...you should here it now...sounds like yer on stage! thnx bro

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my buddy that did it for me left yesterday for Negril for 8 days...when he gets back I'll be waitin at the studio for him to get it done...I havnt listened to Keller/Um fully yet, just kinda skimmed it...shouldnt be a problem though

as per the livecheese.com comment^...I bought the OTR and 12-14 i'll have the board copy too...Jason is it kool with you if I matrix your recording with the board???

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...so I had a listen to this source today and see what you mean about the BOOM!!! I had to crank the bass way down in the car to get it down to a listenable level. Otherwise, it sounded quite fine along the rest of the spectrum. Only solution in this case is either a proper stereo that can reproduce low end properly or turn the bass down...

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