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I smell weird.


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Seriously, I smell weird.

It's not a BAD smell, but it's certainly odd.

I've retraced my morning ablutions and can't recall utilizing a new product of any kind that could account for the smell.

It's kind of fruity.

Then again, I'm kind of fruity.

Do you ever realize you have an odd smell about you? Isn't it frustrating?

I hope it's not indicative of some horrible disease--you know, like, you smell burned toast and that may mean you're having a stroke.

I smell fruity jams--what could that possibly indicate?

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Actually, there are people who use dogs to help identify when their owners are near to having an epileptic (or other type of) seizure. It doesn't help prevent the seizure, but it can give the person enough advance warning to get some place safe and/or where they can get medical help. Near as I can tell, they do it based on subtle changes in a person's smell.



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As I mentioned, I did not use any new products, nor have I bought new sheets, nor am I wearing anything new.

I got up, showered, cleaned myself in the regular way using the same old shampoo, conditioner and soap. Got dressed. Danced with the devil in the pale moonlight. Came to work.

Nothing out of the usual...

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Did you happen to walk near anyone who was heavily doused in cologne or one of those body-sprays? It may not be on your body per se, but might be a leftover smell in your nasal system. Has the smell been verified indepentently? (Want to find out who your friends are? Figure out who you get could to smell you and report on the results...)



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among the immeasurably valuable things I have learned from CSI:

a fruity smell about one's body can indicate a particular form of diabetes. Thanks, Grissom!

not meaning to freak you out SP (I'd save that for when we're partying in person :D ) I certainly think you'd have have other inidcators/symptoms before the smell. I'd go with your first "blueberry pie for dinner" theory!

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I'm more inclined to go with Brad's theory..the smell appears to be on my clothes as well.

I have several co-workers who must bathe in perfume before coming to work and then insist on reapplying several times during the day. Perhaps it wafted by and attached itself to me.

Yay! Pie for dinner!

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