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It's a sick world.


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Now, due to the whole "self esteem" way of educating, the increasing number of households in which no parent is there full-time, media that glorifies stupid and nasty behaviour, a society that equates "nice" with "weak", and a generation or two that hasn't known real hardship (consider: my parents, born in the 1930s, grew up during the two hardest periods in recent memory: the Great Depression and WW II; humbled by that, you realize that anything you have [even hope] is better than the nearly nothing you had), we're reaping the whirlwind of good intentions gone horribly wrong.

That's brilliant Brad.

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This stuff is still few and far between. There are so many good people out there as well. Don't let a bad apple spoil the bunch.

For example, a few weeks ago when I was in Toronto I was crossing Bathurst & Briar Hill when an elderly man in a scooter tipped over when rounding a curb. I ran across the street, while two bicyclists stopped. The man was bleeding and in pain, but we managed to lift him up and onto the scooter and reattach the basket of groceries that fell onto the street. Then, I ran inside (I live across the street), got a first aid kit and cleaned him up. The bikers stayed with the man, got him water and after he was fine, we all went on our way. Never saw him or the two bikers again. Good people do exist.

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