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Packing and Moving / Moving and Packing

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I have been packing for the last few weeks in preparation for my move back home :crazy: 1/3 of my stuff is going to storage 1/3rd is going to friends and the other 1/3rd is moving home.

Juggling music festival hoping, post music festival recovery, packing and moving is killing me. I refuse to have a crappy last month of summer. Thank God, for all you folks who have made the last few weeks so great. My respect and sympathy goes out to those who are doing the same but also have to work.

I imagine that there are some funny tails to tell about moving. Come and share with me, I need motivation to get back to packing...

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i'm hoping that our last move will indeed be that last one for a while.

we hired movers. 2 guys and a truck, $60 an hour, can't beat it, right? sadly we actually hired a moving contractor who subbed the job out to one guy and a truck. one guy with limited english and a truck, who assured us that the other guy was "come soon." after watching this guy move stuff on his own for a bout 10 minutes, i pitched in. i should mention at this point that i'm on reasonably heavy painkillers due to a couple of freshly cracked ribs. niffermouse has enthusiasm for moving but a bad back, and taken together that motivated us to get movers. back to the move...

the contractor that we originally dealt with called just in time for the last item to go on the truck. he assured us that he indeed had the second guy and would be there right away. he told us to relax & have some lunch, he would meet the truck at the new house and have it unloaded by the time we got back. we followed the mover (a very cool iraqi guy named Amar who was very shy on account of his english...turned out he had a masters in physics and math from tehran university, and started a moving company after not being able to find work or continue his schooling).

so amar took our stuff to the new pad, backed the truck up & started moving stuff. (the idea of a mover with a degree in physics still strikes me as very douglas adams...). We naturally start grabbing boxes and the heavy end of appliances & commence moving in.

as the last thing is coming off the truck, the contractor guy shows up. alone. and oddly not the least bit apologetic. as the painkillers are wearing off, i pull him aside for an earful of invective and discussion about how efficient two men and a truck are as opposed to one, and how cracked ribs are not conducive to moving washing machines. he finally apologizes and offers me a very reduced bill, which i gladly accept, if only to get to the bit where i get to lie down.

he promptly says a few words to amar and then suddenly fucks off without paying amar. this naturally upsets amar, who asks for our phone to call the police. he's very flustered and so i offer to call for him, only to find that there's nothing amar can do short of go at him in small claims court.

(flash forward...amar takes slimeball to court and scores the full amount that we paid slimeball plus costs...the system does indeed sometimes work...)

as far as motivation to move goes, the best i can come up with is the sooner you get at it, the sooner it's over and you're setting up again. it's like being 6 and being told to clean up your room and pack up your toys...

where you moving to?

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I'll be moving in a couple of weeks... Probably just with some clothes to start, with the rest to come once I get a place... I've moved so many times in my life I've lost count... It doesn't bother me so much anymore... It's still a pain in the ass though...

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that is about how it happened, what timouse didn't mention was that amar and i had to load the first load of stuff (from the customs broker) ourselves and i just about broke my back. we did get moved and after all was said and done we could do nothing but sing amar's praises.he really was incredible!


(wow i think i am up to three whole posts!)

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i actually just did that, moved home, and im an adult now. well, they keep trying me as one. not by choice but for free rent so i can buy my own house sooner, man its so weird. haha i wish theyd go travelling the world or something for a few months, so i feel yer pain, most definitly feel the pain

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Im moving to the Annex in Toronto. I am house sitting for my parents and avoiding rent for a year.

I am a little apprehensive about moving home as an adult, but at least they will be traveling most of the year.

right on! party at beth's house!

(kidding...) living at home as an adult is a weird thing, at least you get the benefit of no actual parents :)

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i'm there with ya beth.. packing and moving, moving and packing... my stuff is spread between two cities, three apartments, a vehicle and two offices. i,m a mess. to make things that much more difficult - my new place wasn't really clean when i started to move in, so tonight i'm drinking beers and washing walls.. tomorrow i can continue the shuffle.


but damn is this new place gonna rock once i get er set up! :o:D

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I'm just scared of moving, period. Too many boxes. Too many fluffballs lurking in the corners, waiting to leap out and do whatever terrible things it is that fluffballs can do to a person.

And at the same time, neither of us can wait to get the hell out of this house (though I'm already starting to miss Toronto/SoOn people awfully...).

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