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Increase Virtual memory?


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Virtual memory allows programs to have more memory space than the amount of RAM you actually have. When you run out of RAM, the computer puts things that aren't being used at that instant on your hard drive, then brings them back into RAM when they're needed later. It's slower than RAM, but means you can run more junk than would normally fit into the amount of RAM you have.

On WinXP, click on Start, then Settings, then Control Panel. From there, click on System, then click on the Advanced tab. There should be a "Settings" button under performance; click on it, then go to the "Advanced" tab, which should have a "Virtual Memory" section, with a "Change" button.

Messing with this, however, takes knowledge and guts, and may not be for the faint of heart.



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Here's something else to try: bring up the "Task Manager", which can done by right-clicking on the task bar at the bottom (not in the button for any one task, but on an unused part of the bar).

In the "Processes" tab, click on "Mem Usage" to sort processed by how much memory they're using. This will tell you who the hogs are, and how much they're hogging. For example, right now, on my system, the biggest memory user is "iexplorer.exe", at 34MB (with three IE windows open).



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