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Rockstar INXS


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I dunno - Im thinking more and more that JD is a lazy taker. Heard that he was living out of his car panhandling when he decided to audition. Couple that with his "i dont need to do any homework" attitude - i wouldnt choose him to rely on.

MIG ain't too bright either

I dont know about Marty - the only time he really got on my tit was when he sided with Jordan so heavily against JD during song writing. I just dont get the creep factor the rest of you do. Beyond the regular it's a "reality show" and they're all not themselves.

I did see something really funny last night though. ET Canada i think brought Tara to a spa in toronto on last nights episode (i guess all the formers are going to be at the finale tonight)

and she said a couple of funny things. One was something like "you have to have a tough skin to do that show. I mean you have Dave Navarro up there telling you he doesn't like your performance, that really takes a tough skin"

heh heh. I also noticed that non of them ever liked him enough to just start calling him Dave - it's always "Dave Navarro" -- i think they hate him.

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OK....my thoughts on these final performances before a winner is chosen.

mig looked like he was performing. for the first time ever i thought that. he looked like he was playing the part of a rockstar, but definitely not one himself.

jd. oh my god. he chose a song with a message. it was like he was singing the thoughts out of his head. he finally nailed his last note. i was literally up in my living room dancing alone by myself. (granted i was high) and was thinking i could see going to see this guy.

Marty. when JD finished his song and the camera panned to marty, he looked like he'd just shat himself. so then his song choice. and it clicked. didn't one of the band guys say this was his favourite song ever, or the best song ever written something like that? and he looked so paniced while he sang.

god damn JD better win. i'm calling in the prayer lines on this.

edit to add: by mig's performing i mean stage performing. not rockstar bringin it to the table fierce kind of performing.

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That new songs suuuuuuuuucks. those back up singers need to go, and at one point it sounded like he was sayin cheese me cheese me. and that made me realize how cheese it was. and it sounds so similar to another one of their songs.

i love how critical i get with reality tv. i mean these people are just normal people (with maybe a few issues for going on TV like that) thrown into crazy situations. look at jd, supposedly living in his car. he did say he wouldn't drive the car in the pool cause he'd need it to live in, which i thought was just a witty comment until i tuned in here. now the guy's life i never ever going to be the same. except maybe living out of a car again...but this time it's 30 years from now. After he's sucked the teet dry on what being a front man on INXS gets him if they don't start writing better songs.

and i love being high.

oh...my review of the performances.

marty looked like he was trying SOOOOO hard. and just not quite clickin it. i thought the lights for this song were sooooo shitttty compared to the lights in JD's song.Marty's i'm about to fall over backwards - no wait, i'm half way up, look how wide i can open my mouth singing/dance moves made me almost vomit. yes you're flexible, yes you're skinny, yes you probably already have a heroin problem.

i liked how JD got in close with the other guys while they were doing their song. smart jd. and i liked that it was a song i actually recognized and was catchy. anyone think the song selection was stacked? ....and i'm too high to remember anything else...mmmm stacked...oo I have pringles!

ok i have been watching entirely far too much tv and way too many commercials.

ps thank you to whoever left that phat baggy on my coffee table after that afterparty. i am higher than a mother fucker.

edited to add: see i told you! prayer really does work! it's totally jesuscentric

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"yes you're flexible, yes you're skinny, yes you probably already have a heroin problem."

hee hee - oh right! THATS what it is. I knew there was something edgy - i can't believe i didnt put that one together...

I thought the song selection might be stacked except that they did chose a song that went well with marty's voice.

JD was all over giving attention to the band while they were playing - his best talent is sucking ass for sure. But i think he really was the only one who would be able to handle this gig for more than 6 months if it goes that long. The rest of the singers would end up stabbing someone stuck in a bus singing songs that suck as bad as the new one that they sang last night. ;)

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A++ review Alexis. I hope you're ok today, lol!

I thought it was hilarious when the INXS dude finally whipped off his glasses as he announced JD as the singer.

It was equally hilarious when they chose to celebrate their new member by performing a god awful new tune with him.

Good luck to you JD!

Now here's the thing: Brooke Burke announced that they will be calling for demos for next years' "Rock Star" show. What's up with that? Would it be INXS again or are they going to start dragging other dinosaurs out of the earth for exhumation? Wanna be the new singer for Van Halen? How about the new bass player for Bananarama? Wanna play lead guitar for The Dead? Submit your demoes today!

oh, and this year's "America's Next Top Model" starts tonight. Who am I?

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nice alexis!! I caught most of this episode, and realized the house band in waaaay better than INXS. The drummer reminds me of Ween's Claude Coleman in ferocity and kickassedness.

It was awesome seeing how crazy and gross Marty was at the start of the series- fuckin wacky conductor or whatever! he was really 'going for it'. yipes.

anyway, seeing mig perform bohemian rhapsody, I realized he sucks as much, or more than the other two.. however, JD was actually OK with the Stones cover.. I think its more hearing him talk and his dorky facial expressions that make me ill. Hopefully he doesnt have an asphixiation fetish..

good luck INXS!

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jeah, the house band IS way better than INXS.

i don't think they'd do nirvana. dave grole is doing fine with the foo fighters, i don't think he'd give that up for some hack in plaid.

i don't know 80's bands well enough to guess really. i do think the show and any future bands would pull an idol if they did another season. look at american idol. kelly clarkson, was the first, and she's still cutting singles, let's not debate how good they are, fact is she's still cuttin em and SOME people are buyin em. all the rest of the american idols are has beens riding an uber extended 15 minutes. except fantasia...i have YET to hear a single from her.

ooooo ANTM. i have loved that show since the first season. but i am sick of tyra's usage of the word fierce. i was border line on getting cable....i really think i'm going to have to get it now. i forgot about ANTM. i'm such a loser. i can't miss my girls. whether they be gilmore, or skanky ass bitches fighting over who gets to be the next hottie fuck slut for NYC photographers.

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I heard Pretty Vegas on the radio too. I was dancing in the kitchen while painting haha.

Well it's a better single than the one they played at the end of the show anyway.

Watched some of lost last night. Wet Walt was very spooky eh??

I watch Gilmore Girls too. I actually didnt realize i watched so much tv. It's usually only between 9 and 11 every night but apparently i track a hell of a lot of shows.

The house band was insane! i think thats pretty typical of studio musicians though isnt it? WAY more talented and educated than the garage bands who make it big.

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