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When people are ignorant/rude do you....


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no one's yet mentioned Douglas Adam's SEP force field technology (cf: Hicthhikker's Guide to the Galaxy)

I believe this is what happened to you, Sunshine....

SEP force field technology invisibly cloaks anything from view (handy, eh?) simply because SEP means "Someone Else's Problem"...if something is someone else's problem, we (us yucky, horribly, self-interested humans) tend to ignore it -- block it from our consciousness.

now this doesn't make what happened to you any more palatable, certainly, so I have to say I liked, and agree with, many previous suggestions:

Backbacon's idea of weirding them fackers out by gettin' in their space and Velvet's "guilt-gun" approach both seem easy, not to mention, highly amusing.

vengenance is indeed delicious!!

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One of my pet peeves is people that stand and chat in inappropriate places - like right outside the exit of Massey Hall when 2,000 people are trying to leave.

I couldn't agree with you more, Basher! I HATE that!

Sunshine, that story just plain sucks. I can't believe no one helped you! I liked Kaidy Mae's answer... just be happy knowing YOU would never let someone be trapped in the same dilemma.

I would give you some advice of my own, but I never deal with those situations gracefully. I'm way too confrontational.

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