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mornin funnys


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just an article about the jamband community, pretty funny, raises alot of valid points though, i think its supposed to be funny


The following is an articulation of the most evil, widely damaging and controlling conspiracy I have heard, rivaling only the theory that the CIA introduced crack cocaine to urban ghettos.

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yeah im still tryin to decide if it was written seriously for that college paper or purely for satire?

either way its good for a laugh or two, other then the date rape, nothin funny about that.


With upcoming jam-band festival Bonnaroo, think before you go. Do you all really want to contribute to an evil conspiracy?

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did anybody read the reply that trey wrote? if it was infact trey and not some crazy teenager whacked out on ecstasy who just finished raping and a girl and supporting corporate america and trying to be his idol because he just cant do it by the reuglar sandals and dreadlocks.but if it was trey, it made me glad to see the reply

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The funny thing is they're still trying to fix the problem today - some one was thinking of persistant employment - Theres not enough employment insurance to help all cia agents - so they threw in the drugs - to demolish a race of people - that really is a low blow. everyone knows the addiction level of that shit. Persitance.

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