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Last Night in Peterborough - Frontier Index and Cuff the Duke


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Show last night was good, don't understand the layout of the Trash though... What's with that wall stage left? and the huge empty room on the other side of the wall? Wierd

Frontier Index played a lot of songs from their disc, and began the set with You Don't Miss Your Water, their arrangement is somewhere between the Byrds and William Bell... Ended the set with Someday, the lead track from the CD.

Cuff The Duke were good. Apparently I was heckling them pretty good for some reason. I got way too drunk. Stayed at some stranger's house.

Peterborough is full of sketchy youths at night. Saw a 15 year old threaten to stab a guy. 10 minutes later see the same guy YELLING about a pee test.

The Smoke Shop is pretty cool though, got some American Spirit smokes, I like them.

That's my story.


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lol thanks for the peterborough report from an outsiders perspective AD. the deal with that shitty ass wall is that apparently it needs to be there in order to support the rest of the building.. brutal eh?

yeah there are tons of sketchy troubled youth in ptbo.

where did you crash?? any more details? also how big was the crowd?

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After doing some checking, we apparently stayed at a friend of a friend of a friend's place on Dublin Street. It was cozy but cold.

More show details.... Well, Cuff the Duke played the same set they always do... Lonely Construction Worker was good as always, crowd was right into the set. Lots of positive feedback from the masses about the Frontier Index set, people were pushing and shoving to get up front. Vocals weren't high enough in the mix which was kinda sad because harmonies are their thing. Also they only had 2 mics for three singers, so there were some pretty funny / awkward verses...

Sold a ton of merch, so I think the Index will be back for sure. They had a great time.

Crowd was pretty big I think, patio was pretty full, the side of the room with the stage was jam packed, and the other big room was half-packed. Mostly the line-up for the under-staffed bar.

Good times, I hope to make it back to Peterborough sometime soon. If I don't go out east this week I'll be there Saturday for Head of the Trent.



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