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Computer disposal


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Some quick Googling led me to


Scroll down to "Recycling services" and there might be something.



C'mon now bradm, I expect a response from you to have ALL the necessary legwork completed, researched and analyzed. None of this "scroll down" or "there MIGHT be" bullshit. You're slipping, buddy....

P.S. Is there a color font that I am supposed to use when I try to make a lameass joke while killing time at work? Thanks in advance...


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I know down here in Cleveland, my dad constantly has a supply of out of date computer hardware. When he finally decides to get rid of some of it onece in a while, he usually finds various charitable organizations to take it. A lot of them put together functional computer systems out of parts for use in education facilities, helping special needs folks, etc... You might look into something like that... I know some places melt 'em down for the gold and whatnot, but then I believe they dump em in landfills anyhow...


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Dr. Didn't you just move to Ottawa? I thought the tradition was to throw out all the crap before moving ;) . Mind you I've got a basement full of stuff that has probably been moved 3 times and never touched.

Ha - you beat me to the punch ;) (it's funny cuz it's all true)! You guys still got that three tons of fabric we had the pleasure of hauling last time around?

Probably the best thing to do is wait until cover of the night and then dump all the sh!t off of one of the bridges into the Ottawa River.

Yeah, but it would probably all just float downstream and pile up in Cornwall, and they've got enough shit to deal with. Maybe dump it in Stephen Harper's car, and then film him to see what he does with it.

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