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new iPod feature for tapers ?


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from Gizmodo

...hidden down near the bottom of the iPod tech specs page, is news that the new iPod records in 44.1khz stereo. No word yet on formats (presumably it's compressed, rather than raw aiff files), but it's certainly good news. Expect a rash of all-in one XLR port/phantom power/preamps in matching white and black. If you're looking to get started, Giant Squid Labs sell minature stereo microphones with powered preamps for $80, which are perfect for bootlegging concerts field recording.

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Does it have digital input? Otherwise, you're relying on the built-in analog-to-digital convertors.

The one I to try is the new Sony unit, the PCM-D1, which has

96K-24 bit recording capability, 4GB internal lash memory, removable Memory Stick Pro high-speed storage and a built-in USB 2.0 port for Macintosh and Windows/PC operating system

along with

  • Built-in condenser microphones in an X - Y configuration with low self-noise, high sensitivity and nearly 30 kHz frequency response
  • .WAV recording file format capability
  • Analog level meters with LED peak overload indicators
  • LCD display with comprehensive recorder status indication and menu selection
  • Four AA nickel metal hydride rechargeable batteries and charger (supplied, battery life at 96 kHz of approximately 4.0 hours with rechargeable AA batteries)
  • Signal processing functions including SBM, limiter and 200Hz high pass filter
  • Weight 18.5 ounces (with batteries)

Of course, it lists for US$2000, so it's not for everybody...



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