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Fuck, i'd love to hop on a plane, but alas cannot. Just bought another board today too, some punk kid was getting rid of a 2001 Burton Custom 163cm with Custom bindings for $100! Can't say no to that.

You guys are freakin' luucky out there. And I hate you all in a good way.

Have fun this weekend!


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That he was, along with his beautiful wife and awesome kids. (I really got a kick out of his daughter, who is so cute, but also has quite a devious little mind on her; which is something I truly respect.)

It was great hanging out with the whole family.

More Skancs need to follow his lead, and start purchasing plane tickets!

"Chez StoneMtn" never closes...

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Hey SM,

I lived all over BC for about 5yrs, then moved back to Onterrible (grew up near Ottawa) in 2002. Kayte and I are remodelling an old school bus and moving back to the west this winter.

We'll be all over the province as we have some projects to do, but Whistler will definitely be a stop at some point. We're checking out real estate in Pemberton (although I suspect I already know how out of hand it is...).

We'll definitely catch up and link some turns and maybe check some shows if those slack-asses at upstream do some work ;-)

Are you familiar with powder 11s?

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Are you familiar with powder 11s?

No, actually, not at all. That's a band?

Let me know if you can use a good real estate agent to help you out with Pemberton. I can recommend a good guy who'll take you around and who'll treat you right. Occasionally, you can get a good deal (relatively speaking) these days, because some dumbass Pembertonians default on their mortgages, and the properties get put up for sale as a "foreclosure". A friend of mine is moving into a house just like that today. If you have the right agent, he can watch for deals like that for you.

Howler: You know the door is always open for you.

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One thing, TomFoolery:

Garaj Mahal is playing Whistler on New Years. If you're planning to be in the area, I highly recommend getting tickets for that one in advance. It will sell out.

(If you haven't seen Garaj before, you don't know what you're missing; and it's time for you to find out.)

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Hot damn what a shame.

We can't hit the road until after NYE.

However, I have seen GM a couple of times. I think the first was opening for Denson at the Commodore in 2001. Denson was splitting at the seams when he brought Fareed out on stage (although Denson's regular guitar player didn't seem to think it was nearly so cool...).

Enjoy the hell out of it! They rule...

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