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Rodent nerds... just wondering

SteveThe Owl

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I really love all animals but Guineas are a favourite. I had two abysinians, Rhubrab and Marigold and rectnly had to adopt them out because I was sneezing and getting rashes from handeling them. I felt it was unfair to have them and not be able to love them like they should be loved.

When I was young I had hamsters but I really don't care for them much after discovering rats, guineas and chinchilas.

Pig sounds adorable. Don't you love it when they purr and wheek for food?

I miss my girls...:(

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he has gotten so used to the sound of a plastic bag opening to give him food that he squeals everytime I open anything... haha its funny.

He makes a ton of noise, mostly soft cooing and purring.. funniest animal in the world. One thing I was pleasantly surprised by was how affectionate they are. Pig loves to curl up in my lap and watch tv with me all the time.

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I've had many sets of rats! The last set was 3 males! it was actually a bit too much to deal with. I had one and a friend couldn't take care of her 2 guys so I ended up with 3! The ones who I inherited were not too friendly and I'd let them run around and they used to bite me and not let me catch them. My rat was totally nuts. he had the craziest personality! He accidently ended up doing mushrooms one time!! hahahaha. He liked to sit on my shoulder in my dreads. Man, I miss those crazy rats. I want to get a rabbit maybe next time!!

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