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The Life and Hard Times of Guy Terrifico

Jay Funk Dawg

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I can't say enough good things about this movie. I caught this flick last night at the Carleton Theatre, NOW Magazine reviewer tore the film up, but it's been getting rave reviews by CBC, MacLeans, Toronto Star..

I saw "Walk the line", and this film is a great companion film because it's satirical behind the scenes look at Country Music.

The film follows the life of the fictional Guy Terrifico (Superfriends' Matt Murphy), who made his way up the country music charts in the early 1970's along with greats like Kris Kristofferson, Ronnie Hawkins, Merle Haggard and Waylon Jennings. The 'mock' interviews with these country music stars is what gives this film its authentic touch as well as laugh out loud humor. The performance and musical talent of the films star, Matt Murphy, draws you into the often inebriated world of Guy Terrifico. He captures the essence of a true poet who is swept up in the world of super stardom.

Lots of great classic rock footage, that puts Guy in the middle of the 70's folk rock country music scene with Graham Parsons, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash etc..

anyone checked this flick out yet?

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I haven't seen it but have been talking it up a lot to people lately. Guy Terrifico is based in many ways on this character Matt used to do called Li'l Orton Hoggett, basically it was the same sort of thing a legend in his own time/mind who played sporatic shows, Chris Murphy (no relation) of Sloan would play this german country drummer and would always call out 'Orton!'. I saw them a bunch of times in Halifax once on Halloween. It was the bee's knees as they say.

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