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My first attempt at a review.


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This is my favourite Guelph band.

Despite the articles focus on the principle song write (Nate) this is a solid four piece on all fronts.

Listen to this band!!!

Echo`s weekly front page!

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Check it out people....if you`re into Cuff the Duke, Peter Elkas and others of the rock-country-folk ilk but always wanted some more chops in these types of bands...here you go.



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This is my first crack at something that resembles a review. I do it mainly to help showcase the full band that is the Nate Coles Outfit and to help get these kids get some exposure in return for the solid show they put on all the time.

Check it:

There was yet another beautiful night of music in downtown Guelph this Saturday as Vinyl hosted the release of The Nate Coles Outfit debut CD “Twelve Upheavals that Brought the Redwoods to Flight†this past Saturday Nov 26th.

The room was filled with the faces I see most days as I walk the downtown of Guelph they were gathered in full support for a local band who were home again after their first tour.

When the Nate Coles Outfit had concluded their first tune it was becoming obvious the boys had been out there improving on the road. Though grounded and natural amongst the forest of familiar faces in the moments prior to taking the stage the new strength of the home comers sound gave every indication that the Redwoods would indeed be in Flight for the rest of their set. The friends, Mothers, Fathers, and Partners of this beloved local act held onto the roots they'd been tending to in the Outfit’s recent absence and put their faith in the guys that grew the seeds of Twelve Upheavals; cheering and dancing as the band performed their songs with a new confidence and pride.

Accomplishment and sophistication rang from the guitar of Jordan Howard as he executed his well-crafted parts. Though studio refined, his work on the songs still holds onto the eccentricities and passion that make him such a great component of the Outfit's sound. Every harmonic nuance of Chris Hierlihy's delicate bass technique was expectantly met with the running punches of Vish Khanna's rich drumming, as this rhythm section sounded tighter than I’d ever heard before. The three combined once again to elevate the Nate Coles born songs.

This band has undoubtedly been inspired by the drive that makes a man like Nate patiently put together a work like Twelve Upheavals. Nate is an unassuming showman and a solid songwriter whose dedication to his craft once again came through via his impassioned vocals, solid guitar playing and his confident way to simply let the songs move the audience and band the way they were meant to; evoking mystery and inspiring the band and crowd alike with natural and playful excitement.

All the artwork, sounds, arrangements and passion put into the album clearly presented itself on the stage last Saturday night and now run through my stereo as I sit back and listen to the album that has truly captured this unique and talented crew of musicians. Twelve Upheavals that Brought the Redwoods to Flight is a fine album from a great band.


Constructive criticism on this writing would be greatly appreciated.



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