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Do broken toes relapse?


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Well, according to my fiancee "Lassie" who is a physiotherapist...

It sounds like you were nearly healed, and then "overdid it" a little bit by trying to walk normally on an injured toe. That caused irritation and inflammation/swelling. Unless you banged it hard against something, again, you did not likely re-break it.

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Well, according to my fiancee "Lassie" who is a physiotherapist...

It sounds like you were nearly healed, and then "overdid it" a little bit by trying to walk normally on an injured toe. That caused irritation and inflammation/swelling. Unless you banged it hard against something, again, you did not likely re-break it.

Who knew my whining thread would elicit a genuinely useful response? :)

Please thank her for her expertise--she's probably right--I walked the dog yesterday and it was aching at the end, so that's likely what happened.

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Come to think of it, I actually ran the dog once yesterday (not by choice). I walked her a couple of times and the second time, I forgot her "halty" that stops her from pulling the leash--hence, the running!

Tip: Don't run on a broken toe, no matter how much fun it is to frolic with a puppy in the rain.

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