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Yes! (Ever had a thread deleted? )


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The problem with person-to-person communication is that you have to spend time with that person and look into their beady stupid eyes and while you're talking some bullshit with them about how it's so good to see them and isn't the band great and yes I've been drinking and what about that meltdown on the board wasn't that something and congratulations on being stoned again, you're really just thinking to yourself "this person has beady stupid eyes and man that chick is so fine" .

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The problem with person-to-person communication is that you have to spend time with that person and look into their beady stupid eyes and while you're talking some bullshit with them about how it's so good to see them and isn't the band great and yes I've been drinking and what about that meltdown on the board wasn't that something and congratulations on being stoned again, you're really just thinking to yourself "this person has beady stupid eyes and man that chick is so fine" .

MarcO the Bard. Beautifully stated as always.

PS: I'm never talking to you in person again. ;)

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OK, I'm not done with this thread ... Willy's post made me smile and chuckle and now MarcO's post has me laughing my ass off ... my office mate doesn't know what to think as I sit here with a huge giggly grin on my face.

OK, now I'm really done with this thread ... gotta get working on some other things.

Peace, Mark

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This isn't a country, it's a website

I was wanting to say something like that, so thanks for getting to the point. Democracy, as far as I've been able to gather, is an institutional arrangement by which people sort out how to live their lives, get food into their bellies, establish binding contracts around the exchange of goods and services, incarcerate dangerous people, and, ultimately, turn the whole project over to other people when they lose what the Chinese call their Mandate of Heaven. Now this is a forum where people exchange information (sometimes emotionally laden information, of course). The difference strikes me as important.

If something goes sour in a thread, and it needs to be checked in order to prevent real-life crap from hitting someone's fan, or to prevent the RCMP from taking an active interest in certain participants' lives, or whatever, then surely we, as humans, with this apparently inexhaustible capacity for acts of linguistic creativity, can put whatever is grinding our gears into different words in a different thread. Or, fer Chrissake, PT someone to deal with something directly, instead of throwing it out there for all the Romans gathered at the Colosseum.

I spent years studying how evangelicals constitute communities through communicative action (talk radio, specifically). That for me is my point of contrast for what goes on here. Imagine what restrictions on communication people in those circles internalise and have worked into the protocols of their media. We are fortunate to have so much play, and so much ability to even talk about (and influence) how our own process works.

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