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? about Sarah Harmer Lyrics

Tungsten Gruvsten

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hmmm. Now a couplet from the Thomas Trio's 142 Thru:

"Vanceboro's last chance to put it away/

Before the border guards play their favorite game"

Or something like that, I'm doing it from memory. No wonder they played together so much in the early 90's.

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One of my favourite albums of the last couple of years is "You Were Here" by Sarah Harmer; the songwriting is top-notch, and the vocals, with their lack of "histrionics" found in a lot of other female vocalists' work, have an honesty and a "real" feel that sometimes shakes me to my bones.

I'm listening to "Basement Apt." right now, and was wondering about the lyrics to the last verse:


From "Basement Apt." by Sarah Harmer:

We always said that we were different

But we know that we weren't

'Cause there's holes in all the bottles

And my lungs hurt

I can only think of one thing that would end up with holes in bottles and hurt lungs: bottle tokes. Is that what's implied, or is there some other allusion I'm missing?



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Is she still doing Basement Apartment? She did that the first time I saw her, about 10 years ago .... she opened for , I believe , Thomas Trio and the Red Albino. She just went on stage with her guitar, said "I'm Sarah", and did her set. I saw her again about a month later at another Thomas Trio show, opening with her band Weeping Tile. An awesome Canadian talent.

Rob Not Bob

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