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GarageBand and Keyboard Question for Musicians or macHeads


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So, I don't play any instruments but I've been tooling around a lot lately on GarageBand with the DJ Jampack and if you've written anything on there with just the pre-recorded loops, you know it tends to get redundant. So I was wondering if anyone could recommend a very simple keyboard that I could run through garageband in order to compose my own beats and samples through it's filters. To make a long story short, I need something without all the bells and whistles as the bells and whistles are already on the computer.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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To give the thread's title a little more appeal, maybe attract more hits, I don't know
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I have a cheapo Casio that has midi ins and outs. It 's decent to control the sounds in garageband with something like that. I bought it in 99 for about $199 at a costco so you should be able to find something like that second hand somewhere.

With the built in beats and a little editing you should be able to create new beats. I saw a tutorial vid for Logic Express and the guy literally performed magic on pre-existing loops. However, I don't know the capabilities of Garageband for that type of editing.

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yeah, the versions in iLife 2006 are much better. The podcasting features of the new GB are great, but for some reason when I setup a podcast project instead of an audio one, there is an annoying vocal delay in the mic monitor which screws you up.

I'll have to figure that out. I turned off all of the effects and there is still a delay.

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Hey, I dabble in the electronic music world a bit. I found the same thing where samples were ending up in a few of my songs, so I rented a small midi keyboard. It was so simple to make my own samples....Garageband makes it so simple. Basically, if you go to Long and McQuade (big music store chain) I would recommend renting one for 2 weeks. It'll end up being like 20 bucks. This is the best route to take when you're just startin out....The one I rented was about 1/3 the standard keyboard size....I would assume that the L&Ms usually rent out the same units across the country, so you should be able to find the same one...happy creating...

I found a link....


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