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Why is JYD not playing?!!!!! Anyone!!!!

The Chameleon

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[color:red]OK, egnough's egnough! Whty is Jerome "JYD" Williams, not playing for the Raptors on the hardwood? I don't get it. I mean the Raptors have just hired him on as a "community player", (someone who goes to shools and shows kids how to play). What they really need is JYD on the floor showing the Raptors howe to play D.

For some reason the JYD is listed as retired? The guy is barely 32? The Raptors as we all no have virtually no Defence or team spirit. The JYD is all about team spirit, hustle and defence. So why aren't we playing this guy? Why is Arujo taking up space when we could have a real defensive presence in the lane? I just don't get it.

The Raptors keep talkin' defence and then when the get back a much loved team player and premier defender, they send him out to public schools with the Raptor mascot to show kids how to box out and stay in school.?

WHAT THE FAAAAK???????????!!!!!!!!!AAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!}:(}:(}:(}:(}:(}:(}:(


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He retired because he couldn't find a role on the Knicks last season. The Knicks are just as bad as The Raptors too. His productivity had declined rapidly with the Knicks, even moreso than his last two years with the Raptors.

I like the signing. Everyone loves JYD and he'll help the bruised image of the franchise.

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You all on crack! Look the JYD skils diminished, becuase he had no playing time and was on a terrible team (Nicks). He needs a team behind him where he can be a role player. He is just like a young Charles Oakley. Some one who can get in there and dot he dirty work and kick players with attitude in the ass in the liocker room. Furthermore he actually wants to play here.

I think JYD has much gas left in the tank...and if you look at Toronto's numbers, they went on a massive skid as soon as he was traded tot he Bulls. No coinsidence.

JYD needs to be on the hardwood, especially if there is time for Arujo and the like.

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This year don't matter no more, cept to put the things into automatic, and let the players find their identity now that they know they can kinda win at this level. Move Rose for a 2nd rounder, and get Arujo playing in the Development league (so we can never see his silly looking game again).

As far as JYD... he may be used down the stretch... but honestly, he hasn't really helped a team in 4 years.

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