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Is there a Doctor in the house?

The Chameleon

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i'm not a doc.. but have had glasses and contacts and now laser sergery for about 7yrs..

my eyes use to really bother me under your same conditions...get really dry and irritated

not so much now that i have had laser sergery

basically I think everyones eyes react diff to diff situations...some really dry ..and yours sound really watery...

the dry one is easy..eye drops...

your case??? maybe dry them with a tissue


where are the optometrists? :P

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Normally dry eyes (especially eyes that are usually excessively dry) can cause some crazy tearing (hmm.. I mean 'tears' like crying, not 'tears' like tearing paper) when tired/high/etc.. too. Definately physiological reasons, but too many to know which ones without physical investigation and knowing all the other factors. It's pretty common.

I get the same thing when really tired, especially when a bit hungover and in cold weather. There are some days where I walk out the door first thing in the morning to Tim Horton's, and by the time I get there, I swear people must think I've been bawling. Pretty much only during winter, though.

Doesn't really answer your question, I guess. And, lucky lucky me, I am definately not a doctor.

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