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Rock sends regrets, won't run to lead Liberals

Last Updated Fri, 03 Feb 2006 10:48:25 EST

CBC News

Allan Rock, a former Liberal cabinet minister who's now Canada's ambassador to the United Nations, has joined the list of those not running for the Liberal party leadership.

Allan Rock in 2003, calling off his Liberal leadership run (CP file photo)

"I know there has been speculation, but I'm not going to be a candidate," Rock told the Globe and Mail.

Rock began a campaign to replace Jean Chrétien as Liberal leader in 2003, but dropped out of that race. The winner, Paul Martin, gave him the UN job in 2004.

Rock won't run this time to replace Martin, who announced his planned departure following the Jan. 23 general election in which Stephen Harper's Conservatives won a minority government.

Rock joins the list of other high-profile names opting out of the race: Frank McKenna, the departing ambassador to the United States; and former Chrétien cabinet ministers John Manley and Brian Tobin.

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Who wouldn't distance themselves from that job? After all the scandal, the old blooded liberals are reeling right now. I think we'll see a new"ish" type face take over when all is said and done. Perhaps someone like Belinda Stronach. I only say her name because she wasn't a liberal when the sponsorship shite went down. I think it would be better for the party to do this.

It is time they go back to the grass roots of what it means to be politically liberal in this country.

This is exactly what the politically conservative have been doing. After the Mulroney years, when the PC party was in ruins. The Reform party then started to appeal to the conservatives in the west, empahizing the whole time that a grass roots effort is what was needed to rebuild the conservative view. The plan seems to have worked, and will perhaps continue to grow.

I think the Liberals are going to have to take this same sort of mentality if they want to be considered as capable of running the country again.

Personally, I'm disillusioned with the whole political system in our country and in the end, could really give a shit who's the leader of any of the parties. The whole system seems flawed to me but I'll leave that topic for another time.

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Yes it was a relativley small amount of money, when placed into a world economy context, but so is the amount of money Tom Cruise made for making his last movie and I think we can mostly agree that this was a travesty and way to much money. Martha Stewert went to jail for a year for what, something like a $50,000 transaction. I'm not defending them (especially not Tome Cruise, what a whack job) but scandal is scandal.

and yeah, hopefully no Belinda, I'll chant it with you. However, the point remains, they need a fresh face, with fresh ideas if they ever want to regain the sort of support they once had.

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the amount of mispent funds in the sponsership scandel was one tenth of one percent of our budget. one tenth of one percent being mispent, by international standards, is very low on the corruption meter.

at least it's only a minority.


doesn't anyone think that the only difference between the liberal/sponsorship scandal and any other government is that they got caught...doen't anyone think that this type of money mischeif happens in every government???? Just wondering.

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of course it goes on in every governmet. It's been going on in every governemt ever assembled. I believe it's how governemt works. Imagine the wheeling and dealing the Harper governemt is going to have to do in order to get what they want, through. It will only be a matter of time before we hear of corruption, pay-offs and patronage.

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