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Peter Gabriel singing Imagine (from the Olympic opening cermemonies)


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Tony Levin posted the following on his blog after receiving numerous e-mails asking why he wasn't in Turin. Pretty humourous and insightful even if you don't give a toss about Gabriel or Levin.

Feb 12, Kingston

No, no, it wasn't me in Torino.

I've had lots of letters about Peter at the Olympics - the

explanation could be short, or medium, or I think I could write a

mini-novel about it!

I'll go for the medium length cause it's kind of funny and you'll

enjoy it.

Peter Gabriel's engineer contacted me about a week and a half ago,

about doing a bass part for Peter. Great, of course - maybe for the

new album, I thought. But they needed it really quickly, so I did it

from home, by ftp, (which is the way I play on a lot of projects


Then, only a week ago Friday, I was asked if I could come to Italy to

play a show with Peter. Not realizing what that show was, I sadly

declined, because I had a record session (a great one, with Paula

Cole, booked on Friday the 10th.) Imagine my surprise, coming home

from New York on Friday night, to hear from friends (who saw the

opening ceremony on Canada tv earlier than it was aired here in the

U.S) that the "show" of Peter's was performing Imagine for about the

biggest tv audience conceivable!

E-mails started coming in about 3 minutes after it aired, asking

whether it was me, and if not, why!

Alas, it's typical of me that I hadn't asked what the show would be,

and typical of Peter that he hadn't mentioned it. But, oh, the photos

I'd have up on the site for you if I'd been there! Not to mention the

fun of being back in Italy.

It did seem to me (as people pointed out on the Guestbook page) that

it was David Rhodes playing an NS Upright bass (which I'd done the

track on.) And it sounded like that part of the track was indeed my

playing - hard to be sure from a tv set. I'll surely ask David when I

see him - I'm sure there'll be great stories from the event, not the

least of it his feelings about being setup as a moustache-less Tony!

And, in the big picture, I'm very happy to be a part of Paula's new

recording - so I've got no complaints.

There, I've explained it!

Coming up this week: I may sit in with the California Guitar Trio at

BB King's in NYC on Wednesday. And I'll be with Jim Weider's band at

Ram's Head in Anapolis, on Saturday. In between I'll be trying to

arrange a second barbershop quartet for my upcoming tour. (And

fielding e-mails asking Was that you in Torino?)!!

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