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no longer doing snoe.down...bought tickets to SUMMERCAMP

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3 nights of moe.

two nights of ump (1 late night)

disco biscuits (late night)

rusted root





a bunch of others..

great location (you camp in the woods)

i've been there once and it got struck with tornados so it was shit...but i doubt that will be happening again...

good times.

i figure it will be cheaper than snoe.down and you get 3 nights of moe. and better bands..

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I was there when the tornadoes were a problem. Jim Louchlin and I pollished of a bottle of Beam over a tornado vaperizer on the umph. bus, while the sky turned green (never actually saw the tornado but could see damage driving out of there on monday)

I remember Charlie Hunter was warming up when the siren went off. Everyone started moving like ants. That was the best cancelled sunday Ive ever been to. Umph played a late night set after everyone left, that blew the roof off.

It is kinda like the moe.down in the midwest. Im still deciding if I want to go or not.

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i'll be hitting this up.

someone (in here, i believe) said the late night barns get retardedly packed.. like, annoyingly, retardedly packed.. that's my only concern.. really.

other than that i'm looking forward to another generic hippie fest.

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i'll be hitting this up.

someone (in here, i believe) said the late night barns get retardedly packed.. like, annoyingly, retardedly packed.. that's my only concern..

Yes it does but you can see and hear it all from right outside the barn doors anyway so this is less of a problem then you might think.

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