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hey hey everybody...

just wanted to say hi... i've been so out of the loop for the past few months with the jambands page.. but i've been checking in here and there and it looks awesome. and i'm still coming back and living in london in september, so you can expect to get sick of seeing me soon enough! cheers y'all, you gotta get in some shows for me this summer b/c i'm seeing a big fat none of them. but i did go to my first 2 raves... wheee!! not that much different, really. anyway! hope everyone's having as wicked a summer as i have been and catch up with you soon -

love from the megs

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Originally posted by meggo:

PS - does anyone want to teach me how to spin? i wanna learn!

Step 1: Stand in one spot.

Step 2: Extend your arms, one to either side - preferably the left one to the left, and the right one to the right (this will help with balance).

Step 3: Turn around and around repeatedly. Try not to fall down.

Congratulations! You can now spin! [Razz]

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Hey Megs, yeah, always nice to hear from you... hurry back in time for H'ville!! You're going to that eh? Maybe you should look into getting a ticket soon so you won't have to pay the crazy door price...

It'll be nice to have you back around these parts again.

Until then...

RAVE ON!!! [Razz]

Check it out:

Mixin' - Get Spinning - DJ's Tell You How.

When someone asks you about what you wanna do "when you grow up" do you see nothin' but turntables and records? Is all you hear pumpin' bass sounds and scratching noises? But you really don't know how to get there from here. Here's what some real DJ's have to say about getting started.

Click here:


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To be a great DJ these days is more of an art than ever before. First thing first, forget about actaully learning to use your turntables, that can be worked on later. Now, go by as many top40 records and classic 80's standards and put them in a milk crate. Next, get a name, and a funky urban haircut and some baggy pants. Now, the important part. Go to every bar in town and find out what they pay their dj's, then offer to do it for half the price. Because club owners actually don't give two shits about the music being played, you will be hired since you are cheaper and hyave funky hair and baggy pants and a cool dj name that can be put on flyers.

This method has worked very well in Montreal and ensured that no quality dj's get any work, while every jackass with a Bel Biv Devo album can get gigs galore.

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i woulndn't bother megs,, if you started scratchig records,, then no one would like you,, i'm just kidding,,, try going to the book store and getting how to be a cool clud dj for dummies, i think it even comes with your choise of gang colours

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Originally posted by hamilton:


Originally posted by meggo:

PS - does anyone want to teach me how to spin? i wanna learn!

Step 1: Stand in one spot.

Step 2: Extend your arms, one to either side - preferably the left one to the left, and the right one to the right (this will help with balance).

Step 3: Turn around and around repeatedly. Try not to fall down.

Congratulations! You can now spin! [Razz]

[Roll Eyes][Roll Eyes]

Like I've said before, "hamilton" pretty much looks exactly like his avatar.

He's evil, twisted, demented, dangerous and sick.

Hopefully, the North will take him soon and feed him to stray dogs.

That is all I have to say. Thank you for your time.


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Originally posted by MarcO:

Like I've said before, "hamilton" pretty much looks exactly like his avatar.

He's evil, twisted, demented, dangerous and sick.

Hopefully, the North will take him soon and feed him to stray dogs.

Fat chance. You think they've got "stray dogs" in North Korea? [Eek!] That's like stray cauliflower in a vegetarian restaurant full of hungry hippie vegans - it just ain't an issue. [Razz]

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