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Jamcast - Episode 004 - Festival Fever


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[blurb]Freak By Night and I got together a couple of monday's ago for some drinks and another podcast.

Click on the graphic to the left, or update your subscription in iTunes. [/blurb]

Unfortunately, I have no idea why the enhanced version with the images I've added is not showing up in iTunes. I'm trying to figure that out, but you can still download the enhanced on directly from www.jamcast.ca

thx booche for that cool Rebubula that ended the podcast. check that shite out!

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Guest Low Roller

Listening to it right now. Sounds pretty solid. What software do you use to mix the broacast and the audio tracks anyways?

Small comment: it seems that the music is louder than when you speak... I find myself constantly adjusting the volume.

Thanks though. Good listen.

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Garageband. I'm figuring it out more and more each time. I'll try and figure out how to balance the audio more, but I think it has more to do with a low input from the mic interface. We have to put our mouths really close to the mics for some reason. It wasn't like that before.

I just learned how to do some real editing in GB which will make the next one much tighter.

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