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Peter Elkas and Burt Neilson Band last night


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Mavericks was on fire last night. opening with the sexy R and B from Peter Elkas and ending with a power hitting Burt Neilson Band show. I noticed most of the ladies were fixed on Peter and as a straight guy, I could also see why. He's definately an inspiration for any man.

The Burt Neilson Band came out with some new monsters last night. The only new tune I had got any info on was given to me by Doug, bassist from the Peter Elkas group, who sat in with the Burt Neilson Band on TROMBONE! A new song written by Jeff Heisholt that had every jumping to "STAND UP!". I can only assume that is the name of the tune. Refreshingly, that wasn't the only new song as I remember a super rocker that I would love to find more info about. It had the entire audience kicking shins.

So last night really rocked hard at Mavericks and I captured some moments that I hope help convey the mood. I'll put more up as I get some time, but I'm off to 40 main for more good times on this Canada Day.

The lighting was terribly red for photography, yet I managed to get decent photos. They ended up looking at their best by dropping any colour and just working with the greyscale, so here are some samplings from last night. Follow through for the rest of the gallery.

Bass Laser and Mike Filipowitsch


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Great shots Alexis...I love the one with Jer giving Mike the "no, no don't stop rocking" face!! The boys tore the place apart. I have seen A LOT of Burt shows in my day and rarely do they ever play with such intensity. It was balls to the wall rock and roll!

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