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Durian Milkshake!


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Sharon and I went to Ottawa's Golden Turtle for some yummy noodley goodness and happened upon their milkshake menu. On it you'll find Avocado, Carrot, Mango, Peanut, and Durian (and more). Well, Sharon had the Durian and to have something different I ordered the Avocado milkshake.

now holy fuck were they both ever good. Leam(sp?) who seems to run the joint gave me the low-down. They make them all with real ingredients.

Diced Avocado was placed in the blender, along with sweetened condensed milk, sugar, pinch of salt, milk and then crushed ice. He made sure I knew how to make them so I could share them with friends. He told me were to get frozen Durian and we got some yesterday.

Right at the moment, we are enjoying a Durian Milkshake and it is AMAZING!

Durian has an odd odour. It's been described as rank and putrid. However, I find it to be not much different than the additive scent to propane. Maybe they use Durian? It tastes GREAT and sort of like a melon. Maybe it is one. Durian on Wikipedia

(serves 2)

Durian Milkshake

1/4 cup of frozen Durian

1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk

1 1/2 cups of milk

1 TBSP sugar

pinch of salt (brings out more flavour of as usual)

Ice (I added enough to fill the blender 3/4 to the top)

1. add all to blender

2. blend until you have a smoothie

3. pour

4. add vodka if you prefer ;)

5. plug nose if durian smell is overpowering the wonderful taste

... its odor is best described as pig-shit, turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock. It can be smelled from yards away. Despite its great local popularity, the raw fruit is forbidden from some establishments such as hotels, subways and airports, including public transportation in Southeast Asia.
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Durian looks like it shouldn't be touched, let alone eaten, and the smell just confirms this. I'd hope there would be something to make it edible. Might some day have to give this milkshake approach a try.

[Edit to add: I can't believe I just overlooked the story that went with the picture I found:]

Smelly fruit sparks airline alert

Thursday, January 16, 2003 Posted: 3:30 AM EST (0830 GMT)

The durian packs a punch

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) -- A box of smelly tropical fruit sprinkled with carpet deodorizer sparked an aviation alert in Australia on Thursday.

A Virgin Blue flight from the eastern city of Brisbane was delayed by four hours after cargo handlers noticed a pungent smell coming from the plane's baggage hold.

When they finally found the source of the smell, it was a box of durian, a large, spiny tropical fruit renowned for its fetid aroma.

While many people in Southeast Asia consider the durian a delicacy, it is banned from Singapore's subway and some restaurants in the region because of its overpowering smell.

Because the fruit on the Virgin Blue plane were covered in the white powder, a full-scale hazardous chemical alert was issued involving police and fire crews evacuated and sealed off the plane, said fire service spokesman Tom James.

It was not clear how many people were on the plane.

Virgin Blue boss Brett Godfrey denied the airline overreacted.

"I don't think in this climate we can be overzealous," he told reporters in Sydney.

He added that passenger security was not the only thing at stake.

"This wasn't a safety issue, this was gross issue -- no one wants to fly in an airplane that smells like that," he said.

He compared the smell of the gourmet fruit to "something you'd find in your outdoor dunny [toilet]" adding that "it just is the most pungent, disgusting smell."

"I actually walked out onto the tarmac and I could smell it from 50 feet away, it's not pretty," he said.

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