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15 Years Ago Today

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

Nirvana's Nevermind was released.


Has it really been 15 years??? Geez. I remember listening to that album for the first time at a friend's house while playing video games. Next thing you know I bought an electric guitar and he bought a drum kit, and off we went.

God, were we ever horrible.

But we did pull off 'good' versions of About A Girl, Breed, Come As You Are, and Polly.

Nevermind was no technical masterpiece, but has its place in history for a variety of reasons, not least "right place at the right time".

No doubt this album had a massive impact on my life and probably helped me get through a rough transitionary period in my life when my family moved from Montreal to Ottawa, and I knew nobody. Somehow my anger and frustrations were vented through listening to Nevermind, and then I would just continue on with my life as normal.

If you have a copy of this album, I suggest you put it on and reflect on where you were, and who you were, and give it the props that it deserves.

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Thanks for posting this !!!

I just sat back and had the biggest thought about how that single album was THE album that lead me into the music that I love so much today...and to the point of how much music really means to me today... I was sixteen had JUST gotten my licence and me and my friends at the time all bought instruments and tried to form a band aswell...


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Being the old fart that I am, and being out of the country when they hit their stride, meant I pretty much missed out on the whole thing. I only dicovered them when I had guitar students asking me to teach them how to play the tunes. I think it's one of those cases of a band that I came to appreciate once all the hype and died and I could actually hear them, if that makes sense.

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Well ive gotta admit... this album really didnt do much for me then or now... Nirvana, while obviously talented musicians and found a great niche were not a band that moved me at all... when this album came out I was heavily into the Dead and bands of the 60's and 70's as I just finished High School... It definitely does have its place in history though!

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I was definately, at that time, being turned on to the 'jamband scene' as it were, but was still going through, what may have been the tail end of, my grunge phaze. I have to say that this was probably the last album I bought of its likes but have never forgot about. I can't say I listen to it anymore, or even know where it is, but, for what it's worth, it was and is still a landmark along my musical journey.

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Im with DEM, I hated this album when it came out, but in my case it was cuz all my friends loved it so bleeping much. Over the years I started to appreciate it, but never too much. I cant help but agree with Bruce Mcculloch when he says, to paraphrase, "Would all these people even care about this man if it were not for his golden locks and dreamy blue eyes?"

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