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RATDOG's (700th) RULED last night 10/28/2006


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I: Jam > Lady with a Fan > Terrapin, Take Me to the River, Josephine, Ramble On Rose, Shade of Grey, Wang Dang Doodle, Bury Me Standing, Last Time, Ashes and Glass

II: Jack-A-Roe@, Friend of the Devil@, The Weight@, Hell in a Bucket > Uncle John's Band > Stuff > Dear Prudence > At a Siding > Terrapin Flyer > Uncle John's Band (reprise) > One More Saturday Night

E: Brokedown Palace

(RatDog's 700th Show; Bob Weir's 700th Show; Jay Lane's 700th Show)

This was epic right from the get go !!! Terrapin opener brought HUGE energy to the PACKED Ballroom all night long! I seriously could not wipe the GIANT GRIN from my face....ha! The Weight was INSANE! The energy they had built up by that point was mind blowing !!!

Im still to excited about how great this show was to gather my thoughts ...

Thankyou so Much for Mr AriAfro for hookin up the best show I have seen in forever hands down and to Miss Phunky B and her gang to wicked pre and post fun... minus that CRAZY ASS WIND...woah...have not been in wind like that in forever either...WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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All I can say is BROKEDOWN PALACE!

My absolute favourite song in the world and they busted out the killer version for the encore. What a show! I was seriously hooked up with a giant miracle and I am glad I could pass on a bit of it to you Baj! Definately one of the best shows ive seen all year. The energy in the Town Ballroom was electric. During the Weight there was not a soul in the building who wasn't singing along. Such a good show and I am so thankful that I was able to enjoy it with some good friends and new and old.

PS - the wind was fucking nuts...I could barely move....

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Well, I was there, but not in the show :( Went down mid afternoon with Darlene after getting the mother-in-law to watch the kids.

The place was deserted when we got there around 4pm. Did a few things and then went to grab some dinner at TGIFridays. Tried asking around for extras and none were to be had. Lots of fingers in the air outside, but I was looking to pay cash for the extras to get in. Tried getting folks coming out of the hotel on their way to the show and no luck. Missed a couple of people by seconds who could have helped me out :(

Darlene went out and tried her luck a few times. She had somebody offer her one, but she didn't think to take it unless it was a pair (she realized her mistake after ).

We stuck it out until about 8:30. There were a couple of scalpers looking to get $70 per ticket. Sorry, Bobby, I ain't goin' that high. We did a drive by the backdoor to see if they could sympathize. They did, but couldn't help us out.

Went home feeling dejected. However, I knew I had the Toronto v. MOntreal game recording on the PVR, so there was something to look forward to. Cracked some cold ones, packed my bowl, and got down to a wicked-ass hockey game on the tube.

I was not even wanting to look at the setlist and it does look like it was a really sweet show. That's a great venue for energy. I'm just glad that i didn't miss out on a Jack Straw or Cassidy (my kids' names) 'cause then i'd really have been pissed .

I hate getting shut out of shows ... i knew I should have gotten a ticket earlier. FUCK!

Glad those that made it had such a good show. And yes, the wind was nuts!

Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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Great 2 night run!

Second set friday night blew me away.

Great build up and good song selection. Beautiful Ripple to end the night.

Saturday night Bobby was the super cheese. What was with the take a load off sing a long?

Mixed feelings about 2nd but the Terrapin opener was a treat.

Crazy wind with Afro, Baj and my boys. Baj and Ari get the MVP for not dropping the chicken Finger Subs!

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