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The mentality of the American Soldier in Iraq

The Chameleon

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So here's a telling photo.....


Notice who they have "Iraqi" listed on the gun, not Al Queda or Republican guard or whatever. No they have "Iraqi" on the gun. Kinda makes it seem like American soldiers, think all Iraqi's are the same and are all combatants....

....Hmmmmm Vietnam anyone?

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kinda makes it seems like chameleon thinks all american soldiers are the same and are all morons...

generalizations anyone? ;)

[ps - don't you love posting something smarmy and then letting it all wash off with a smiley? :P ]

I never said that. You did. What I am saying is that this picture represents a snapshot of the mentality of the American soldier in Iraq. And given the reposts of rape, torture, excutions and other atrocities by Amercian soldiers, I think this graffitti may be more accurate than we know.

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hmmm. this may go off the rails due to overuse of quotes, but let's give it a shot.

I never said that. You did. What I am saying is that this picture represents a snapshot of the mentality of the American soldier in Iraq. And given the reposts of rape, torture, excutions and other atrocities by Amercian soldiers, I think this graffitti may be more accurate than we know.

okay. the 'morons' part was absolutely my conclusion.

but if i shorten it to this:

"kinda makes it seems like chameleon thinks all american soldiers are the same."

as a retort to your this:

"Notice who they have "Iraqi" listed on the gun, not Al Queda or Republican guard or whatever. No they have "Iraqi" on the gun. Kinda makes it seem like American soldiers, think all Iraqi's are the same and are all combatants...."

well, then i think we're square. unfortunately i have to run so i can't think this through a little more.

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...What I am saying is that this picture represents a snapshot of the mentality of the American soldier in Iraq....

That seems like a blanket statement to me. Perhaps you should have said 'some' of the soldiers there. Or maybe 'that particular' soldier.

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That's why I said most. I've met lots of people in both our own and the American armed forces. Some of them are really good people who have joined for reasons ranging from a genuine call to defend their country to the promise of free schooling. Others though are just assholes. And from talking with the cool ones, it seems that the assholes are the majority.

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