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Waking up cranky....


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How about chocolate mocha cake for breakfast, to give the added benefit of a morning cup of coffee? (Or chocolate banana cake. ;) )

(My Dad, the youngest of three, was born in 1934, and thus grew up during the Great Depression. One of his favourite desserts as a child was stale chocolate cake with milk on it: you could get older, stale chocolate cake from the bakery for a lot less than the fresh stuff, and if you poured milk on it, you ended up with something soft, tasty, edible. I figure it wasn't much different from some of the sugar-laden breakfast cereals of today.)



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I woke up to find myself in a good mood this morning.

And then found out that I had to scrape ice off the windshield...meh, not bad, don't mind so much...except that the ice scraper I bought last week SUCKS! Why do they make the edge so straight when the windshield is curved? little itty bitty lines scraped at a time...augh.

I try to make a habit of not swearing until at least after 9am, but the birds were scattering all around me at 7:30am

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Are you a house painter????

ha ha i am a jack of all trades

i am only cranky for a second all depends if the sun is shinning as we had rain since april

not too many sunny days so i say frig it i,ll just try to play my new fender better,as i am not too long on guitar and no lessons but very pleased with what i have acheived

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