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Such a beautiful Day


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Its so sunny and kinda warm here up in the north country, Frink'in lonly though. There is a thin layer of ice across the lake and nearly no breeze. These are the days I wish i could share with kind ppl that apreiciate nature. Iv explored every inch of the surounding lond since i have been a kid. It makes me feel kinda depressed on these lonly beautiful days. Thank you for letting me get that out. makes me feel Just a tad better.


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It is a gorgeous day nattyMatty, thanks for posting about it. It kind of reminds me of spring turning into summer, with less leaves on the trees of course. I hope you find a way to enjoy your day, and if I could, I'd accompany you in your secluded area, and appreciate the beauties of nature. Unfortunately I'm woking, and a little under the weather, but am still keeping positive, and enjoying the breeze comming in from the door being open, and the sun reflecting off the windows. Ahhh what a beautiful day.


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Man what i would give to say im sitting in a windowless office. getting paided.

Anyways The Darn Tree Fell and i did it all with an axe and a bow saw...My hands are blisted, and one the chain saw gets here and we lop it into nice stove size pieces, It will be some nice free fire wood. Man that Bitch was solid i don't know what kinda tree it was but i know it was Hard Hard HArd. Should be a Beautiful Sunset tonight. Great weather for this time of the year. The skiers must be getting ansi. Mabe tommorow ill try to stock my freezer with fish.

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