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i first heard about this board back in 2000 (or 2001, not sure); my buddy told me how there was this heady message board where Kung/Zero was causing shit when he dissed a BNB show in Halifax he didn't attend and the whole board was ganging up on him for it (hmm, sound familiar?!?); it was a total hoot and I've been hanging around ever since...

my first post (i think) was to notify heads that Queen Video (in Toronto) had copies of Mike Gordon's movie "Inside Out" (or is it Outside In) for rent.

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before i made my first post i was a casual lurker basically just looking for show info and not really paying much attention to the banter around here. i guess i had been signed up for close to a year or so.

my first post came when i needed a ride to come together, and a friend said this might be a good place to find one. turned out some people were a little skeptical that i might be a certain "cheesehead", but Beats came through in the end, though i dont remember ever taking him up on it.

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Well Jared, I would have guessed you were looking for a heady mama with your first post but why do you consider that question stupid?

just now that i know ghost town, it seemed kinda stupid, considering anything goes there, heck you could bring your whole house on the back of a truck with you, as long as it was gone on monday

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