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New U.S. passports contain an RFID chip


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But of course the data of that hologram can't be hacked into, with all the potential consequences that might entail. Make a new technology, and somebody will abuse it.

I'd love to know, as a sidenote, how many of the evangelicals who have traditionally gone apeshit-paranoid over biometrics and all (I know, this isn't quite biometrics) will endorse this in the "war against terrorism".

I don't know why, but I keep thinking of A Handmaid's Tale a lot lately.

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For more on RFIDs and how they are being placed in US currency (to track where the money goes) and other Orwellian changes to the US, you GOTTA see this doc:


It'll scare the shit outta ya when you realize how much power the banks have and how they obtained that power.

I'd be happy to burn this onto a CD (AVI DivX codec) for anyone to watch if they wish.

Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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