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Post Festival Depression


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I don't know if life has been particularly shitty since coming home from It or if it's just my askewd prespective after coming back from one of the best places on earth. Either way, what a week, first off came home, checked my bank account only to find it empty, shouldn't there have been a couple hundred bucks left in there???? Second, work is back in full swing, no more lazy days at work getting high and listening to tunes, booo-urns!!! third, all of our keys to the house have broken off in the lock (fuck i hate this house) and the stove hasn't worked in about two weeks (good thing as i would have stuck my head in it by now) So since we now have no working keys to the house, i purposely left the back door unlocked, since i was the last one to leave today i thought it would pose no problem. Got home from work today only to find the back door LOCKED as well as the only "breakinable" window, so after a few minute of bitching to no one, i attempted to push open the window....SMASH, glass shattered all over me, cutting up both my hand and slicing a huge gash across my wrist. So now I'm locked out covered in blood, and starting to feel faint. adding insult to injury I had to go next door to the hated "punk kids" house. to get some water and bandages, then i had to still break into the house, a tricky feat with only one hand! So now I'm in, and in a super bad mood with no green to calm me. Thank god for the festivities tonight or I'd be ready to kill. See y'all tonight. [big Grin]

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I have to say that was one of the funniest things I have ever read... mainly because I can understand that when shit hits the fan, it not only hits the fan... but the walls, your clothes and everyone standing near you... but the best thing to do is just push on through and til .

I've had a rough little while recently pre and post IT ... hell I dug a tunnel to get into my house last night sans keys (ok exaggeration) but let those proverbial and literal wounds heal and giv'er....

hope the nero listening party is blazing... and get todd to play that tummies tune on his guitar that i love so much ... i can't remember what it's called but he'll know ...

time to resurrect the best picture ever!!! [big Grin]


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