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RC: tragically hip tonite


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Here’s the rest of that story.......

I was actually sitting in row 23, section B. It’s often tough to smoke anything at the venue, but it looked like I was insulated enough that it should be possible at this show. Well, it’s a good thing that I didn’t try. I was sitting next to a couple who I’d guess were in their mid 40s. She was a long time Hip fan seeing them in the early days in K-town. A few minutes into the Hip’s set he turns around and yells at this guy to “put that out right now! There’s no smoking allowed of ANYTHING in here.†So dude put out his joint (I never actually saw him smoking anything myself). By that point there was lots of pot smoking going on all over the place. I tell the guy that people are smoking everywhere - no point in singling this dude out. But he tells me that’s why he’s sitting on the floor and not in the seats (huh? People on the floor don’t smoke dope??). About 10 minutes later the dude apparently lit up again (with all the people puffing, I have no idea how he knew it was this dude who was lighting up). Dude puts out whatever he was smoking, but it’s not enough for Mr. OPP who feels compelled to grab the dude by the scruff of his collar and tells him to stop smoking. He then reaches for his wallet to show him hi cop badge. He then heads off to inform security. His wife, who seems rather embarrassed by it all tells me that he is an OPP officer and mentions how this is the fun she gets to have on her night out. A few minutes later security comes over to talk to the dude and that’s that. I guess they gave him a warning.

Not sure why Mr. OPP singled this dude out. Every time we saw someone else lighting up we’d look at each other and wonder why Mr. OPP wasn’t doing anything about them. Later on, during the show, a couple of girls 2 rows in front of us were smoking ciggies quite blatantly. Security came by and escorted them away, but they returned about 10 minutes later. I assume that they were ticketed.

I can understand the no smoking thing - it just plain bothers some people and I can respect that. But, if it’s being done by numerous people why single one person out. As an officer of the law you have a duty at all times to ensure that nothing illegal is going down, but grabbing the guy by the neck was just plain assault IMO - well beyond this guys rights. We’re talking about a by-law (just referring to the smoking in general) here in a privately owned venue.

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