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30's the new 20


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Lost One

I put friends over business end of the day though

When friends…business interest is day-glo

Ain’t nuffin left to say though, I guess we forgot what we came for

Shoulda stayed in food and beverage, too much flossing

Too much Sam Rawstein, I ain’t a bitch but I gotta divorce them

Hov had to get the shallow shut up off him

And I ain’t even want to be famous

Niggas is brainless to unnecessarily go through these changes

And I don’t even know how I came to this

Except that fame the worst drug known to man

It’s stronger than heroin, but you can look in the mirror like ‘there I amâ€

And still not see what you become

I know I’m guilty of it too, but not like them

You lost ones….

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Read his main web page. I went to school with him, and he's definitely a character. (I've seen video of him playing "Big Balls" by AC/DC on accordion at Burning Man.)

In the intro to his blog, he writes

Back in high school, after reading Space-Time and Beyond for the umpteenth time and drinking one too many zombies with my friend Henry, we came up with a theory:

In the infinite set of universes, there had to exist a particular universe in which the events in our lives were being watched as a TV show.

We then made a solemn vow to live in a way to keep our ratings up.

This is the continuation of that story.



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Wait. If 30 is the new 20...and 40 is the new 50...what happens...at...35...wouldn't there have to be some kind of sweep effect, that would take you from the 20youwereat30 all the way to the 50youdbeat40 smoothly? Given that rate at which "experienced years" passed, relative to the rate at which "calendar years" went by, and given that it couldn't be a constant rate, because you'd want things to "feather" out at each end, so as you wouldn't notice it, your 35th calendar year would just be whoooshing by, wouldn't it?



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